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You put on the statue and put Furdi on it!

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Q: How do you use the potion bought with the squirrels in furdiburb?
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Can you make a potion on the sims 2 apartment life?

Yes, if you are a witch you can use a reagent to create a potion. Reagents can be created in a cauldron or bought from the high witch of the Sim's alignment.

How does a squirrels camouflage?

Squirrels do not use camouflage.

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Polyjuice potion

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Yes, you may use a crafting potion to create the lyre, this potion raises your crafting by three levels.

Do squirrels use their hands to eat?

yes, squirrels use their hands and teeth to eat.

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What is a potion?

A potion is a mixture of ingredients which is thought to achieve a specific effect though the use of magik.

What is the relationship between squirrels and cardboard?

the relationship between squirrels and cardboard is that squirrels play and bite it. the cardboard is a toy for the squirrels, they can also use the cardboard as shelters.

In creaturebreeder how do you use the potion to make them younger?

to use the potion simiply just click on the creature u want it to turn young then scroll down a little and click on use youth potion and so on and visit me on QQrocksfree in creature breeder ;)

How do you make a speed potion in minecraft?

A potion of swiftness can be made by first brewing an awkward potion which uses water bottles and nether warts. Use this potion along with sugar to create the potion of swiftness. Adding redstone to this potion will increase the amount of time the potion last for and adding glowstone reduces the amount of time the potion will last but will increase it to a swiftness 2 potion. Add gunpowder to turn it into a splash potion and dragon breath to turn it into a lingering potion.

How do you make a potion on howrse?

The potion contest is over. You would of got equus for that ingredients that you didn't use.