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If you ferret has diarrhea, it's a symptom that could be caused by one of several diseases or illnesses in ferrets and can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian.

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Q: How do you treat a ferret that has diarrhea?
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Can diarrhea get a ferret sick?

Yes, Diarrhea is a symptom of a disease or illness

Can you feed chicken to a ferret as a treat?

If your ferret will eat chicken, as a treat it is acceptableAs a treat, ferrets can have small amounts of chicken

How do you treat ferret bedding for fleas?

First you need to treat the ferret for fleas, then you wash the bedding.

Is diarrhea a signs of an partial intestinal blockage in a ferret?

When a ferret has a blockage, its poop will usually be thin, or non existent. Diarrhea is probably a sign of an upset stomach one cause is by changing food to rapidly. Make sure your ferret drinks lots of fluids and continues pooping. Any time a ferret has diarrhea, it needs immediate attention, if it continues after one day, take him to the VETERINARIAN IMMEDIATELY. Ferrets go downhill rapidly and can die within a few days. Nutritional Diarrhea in ferrets - Changing your ferrets food can cause mild diarrhea because their short intestinal tract is very sensitive to changes in diet. Anytime you change a ferret diet, it should be done gradually to avoid upset stomach. Diarrhea in ferrets can be dangerous because loss of fluids can cause dehydration. It is important that your ferret have water available at all times. If a ferret is given a food that causes diarrhea for several days consecutively, dehydration might result, and the stress might induce a secondary infectious diarrhea disease.Diarrhea is a symptom and not a disease, it is indicative of a problem which may be serious or minor.Infectious diarrhea in ferrets can be caused by* Parasites * Bacteria * Viruses There are also other miscellaneous causes of diarrhea in ferrets such as cancers, two or more diseases present, stress. If diarrhea persists, seek veterinarian advise.

What is an antidiarrheal?

An antidiarrheic is an agent used to prevent or treat diarrhea.

What would cause a ferret to have green diarrhea?

If a ferret manages to pass a foreign body (non-food) through their intestines, they often pass green mucus with it. Green mucus is not characteristic of an particular disease, it just shows that something has irritated the gut lining, Ferrets can get diarrhea for several similar illnesses, the green color means that the food spent a very short time in the ferret's digestive tract (Also, look at any food the ferret has eaten for food dyes). If the ferret still has diarrhea after 36 hours, a veterinarian visit is necessary

How are ferrets trained with a clicker?

To begin clicker training, the click must come almost simultaneously with the treat to build the association between click and treat. Take a day or two to sit with your ferret and click the clicker and offer a tiny treat. Click and give the ferret a treat, repeat this many times, giving breaks (never train for more than 2 minutes at a time) until your ferret eagerly expects a treat when she hears the click. After a few clicks and treats, wait for the ferret to do something, take a step, move a paw, any movement, and then click and treat. The click must occur at the exact moment the ferret performs the movement. You will soon find that your ferret begins to try to repeat behaviors that earned a click and a treat, and the game is on!

What is on sale to treat diarrhea in infants?

Pedialytle is generally considered to be a good over the counter remedy used to treat diarrhea in infants. yogurt is also a well known remedy to help infants with diarrhea.

What are some ways to treat diarrhea in dogs?

One of the most effective ways to treat diarrhea is to take 'Imodium'. Imodium is an opioid drug used specifically to treat diarrhea. One can also use products such as 'Dioralyte' which will prevent one from becoming dehydrated from diarrhea.

How do you treat diarrhea in rats?

Try giving it an enema.

How do you treat a horses with diarrhea?

Deny him of any grass or vegatables only for a week or until the diarrhea stops :)

Can switching a ferrets food cause diarrhea?

Changing your ferrets food can cause mild diarrhea because their short intestinal tract is very sensitive to changes in diet. Anytime you change a ferret diet, it should be done gradually to avoid upset stomach. Diarrhea in ferrets can be dangerous because loss of fluids can cause dehydration. It is important that your ferret have water available at all times. If a ferret is given a food that causes diarrhea for several days consecutively, dehydration might result, and the stress might induce a secondary infectious diarrheal disease.Diarrhea is a symptom and not a disease, it is indicative of a problem which may be serious or minor.Infectious diarrhea in ferrets can be caused by* Parasites * Bacteria * Viruses There are also other miscellaneous causes of diarrhea in ferrets such as cancers, two or more diseases present, stress. If diarrhea persists, seek veterinarian advise.