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A young ferret needs to be properly socialized and requires quite a bit of human interaction and playtime. Baby ferrets play together by biting each other. Is your ferret wanting more attention or just wanting to play with you. You teach a young ferret not to bite by scruffing, which is the way the mother ferret scolds her babies. When your ferret nips or bites, scruff him/her (gently grab the skin on the back of the neck with your thumb and forefinger (or index finger) and lift up a little and your ferret should relax, while saving "No" in an authorative voice. Never hit or flick your ferrets nose, as they don't understand that action.

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Q: How do you train a 9 week old ferret that started biting your toes fingers etc not to bite?
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Why does you ferret get mad?

What do you mean by mad? If your ferret is tearing up stuff it probably is not getting as much time out of its cage as it should, ferrets should have 2-4 hours out of their cage a day. If you are gone/busy all day, you could get a bigger cage (if you can afford it) and another ferret for a play mate; but you should still give your ferret(s) one on one play time with you.If your ferret is biting you then you can spray bitter apple on your hand and that will detour any biting; however, if your ferret is a kit it's probably just tryng to play with you. Remember that a ferret's skin is tougher than a human's, so a gentle nip to a ferret means come play with me! But to you it hurts, heres a link to how to nip train your ferret.

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How do you shoulder train a ferret?

Shoulder train a ferret -with a lot of patience. I've been working on this. First you have to be in an area without distractions. While sitting on the bed, put your ferret on your shoulder using treat or a toy. Repeat a few times to get the ferret used to sitting on your shoulder. This needs to be done gradually a few minutes a day. When you feel your ferret is sitting on your shoulder and will stay, then start moving around slowly, increasing your movements until you can stand up.

Do corn snake bites hurt as much as ferret bites?

It depends on how hard the ferret bites which depends on why the ferret has bitten you. If the ferret is scared or you are hurting it, it will bite to defend itself. This bite could be serious and painful. If the ferret is playing (ferrets play rough) will sometimes give you a small bite which isn't very painful. Ferrets can be trained to not bite or nip during play by scuffing them when they bite as this tells them you didn't like the behaviour. You can also get spray to put on your hands which will teach the ferret that your skin tastes bad and so will discourage biting

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How do you train a ferret not to go in holes?

I don't believe you cannot train a ferret not to go in holes. It's their natural instinct to be in an enclosed place. Ferrets in the wild live underground in dens. You will either have to remove the ferrets from said place or restrict access.

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What do you do if a ferret eats a gummy bear of strong medical weed?

In this case, since your ferret ate this medical gummy bear I highly suggest you go to your nearest vet. If you just got this ferret from a shelter have a conversation with the shelter if this has happened in the past. If so, it could become a habit if you cannot train your ferret not to eat things it sees.

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