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When the bunny looks bored it's usually just very relaxed. It'll be laying flat on her/his tummy with open or closed eyes. It won't be breathing too hard. Make sure you put your hand in front of its nose if you want to pet or pick up the bunny. A few times I've pet my rabbit and it really startled him. It's kind of like having someone suddenly wake you from a nap. Probably very annoying for the rabbit, and it'll definitely make her/him tense again.

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15y ago
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14y ago

You know your bunny is happy when it has an open space and runs around really fast in it, shakes its head, and almost dances around from time to time. To make it more happy, give it treats, and toys to play with. Also, if you have a friend for it, they love to play with eachother! At the store I go to, petsmart, they have toys such as corn balls, meaning hay wrapped in a ball, that they love to roll around and chew on! you can also use old toilet paper rolls and anything else that you think might be fun for a bunny!

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12y ago

One common sign that the rabbit feels at home is marking it's territory. Not only going to the bathroom, but rubbing its underchin (where it's marking glands are) on everything . That is how rabbits mark their territory.

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13y ago

Rabbits love Mozart. Play it some, and if there is a positive response, your rabbit is fine.

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13y ago

Check out its eyes--no white showing. Also, its ears are expressive.

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14y ago

try to take a look at the eyes

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Q: How do you tell if your rabbit is healthy?
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What is the average weight of a bunny in kg?

Rabbits come in many different sizes, from dwarf to giant. How much a rabbit weighs depends on its species and breed. A healthy pet rabbit could weigh under 2 kg, or more than 10kg. A vet with experience and knowledge in rabbit care and behaviour could tell you the healthy weight for you rabbit.

Are yoggies good for nether land dwarf rabbits?

If its a rabbit treat, it will be healthy. Yogies will be good for any breed any of rabbit. YES, HEALTHY!!!

How old do angora rabbits live up to?

It depends on the rabbit if it is a healthy rabbit with no problems 8 years +

What rabbit food is healthy?

grass is healthy because its rich in vitamin A and D , also 1 fact the rabbit diet should be composed of eating grass and hay , eating hay helps promotes healthy teeth.

Why ahould you eat rabbit meat?

it is healthy and very good

Your rabbit has a rash on it's back end can you tell you what this is?

I don't have a rabbit, but I'm sure any VETERINARIAN could tell you.

How do you tell if a rabbit is dehydrated?

when there is no water in them

What is a healthy rabbit?

A healthy rabbit is a rabbit that isn't suffering from any illness, injuries, or genetic problems. To make your rabbit healthy, make sure you're feeding him the right diet, and giving him the right kind of habitat and attention. To make sure your rabbit is healthy, make sure you know the signs of sickness or injury, keep a close eye on your bunny and observe her behaviour every day, do at-home physical examinations every month, and bring her to the "rabbit-savvy" vet for regular check-ups once a year (or more!). See the related questions below for more info and helpful links.

My classroom rabbit is molting this time of year He is drinking a lot and urinating a lot is this normal during molting He is 3 or 4 years old?

When your rabbit drinks and urinates a lot that means he is VERY healthy! :)Don't worry this is normal you have a very healthy rabbit!

How is rabbit helpful to people?

it is good to eat to keep are loungs healthy

What are the healthy foods of a rabbit?

parsley, lettuce, carrot and food pellets

How can you tell if your rabbits fur is in bad condition?

You can tell by when your rabbit loses hair. If your rabbit is shedding alot or its very greasy, you should know by then.