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Excessive saliva coupled with loss of appetite would be an indication.

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Q: How do you tell if my cat has a toothache?
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Why does your cat meow nonstop?

Most likely he is sick or in pain. He may have a stomach ache, or a toothache, or something like that. Take him to the vet.

Is the treatment different for persistent toothache and intermittent toothache?

When talking about a toothache , the best person who can answer all your concern is the dentist.

When was The Alligator's Toothache created?

The Alligator's Toothache was created in 1962.

How do you tell if your cat is obese?

you can tell if your cat if fat is if her or she is lazy and chubby

When my cat eat it screams why?

I have never heard of a screaming cat. You may want to consult a vet. quite rapidly. It may be rejecting it's food. Or maybe it won't process it in it's stomach. Or most likely toothache. Hope you cat get's better!

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Can you still undergo surgery if you have a toothache?

Yes if you have a toothache can they still do sergury inside your mouth?

If you have a toothache does it effect the ears?

Yes, usually when you have a toothache because of the nerves it does affect the ear.

What does let the cat out the cat mean?

to tell a secret

How did the tudors cure a toothache?

by saying jesus christ for mercy sake take away this toothache

What are the release dates for Toothache - 1913?

Toothache - 1913 was released on: USA: 9 May 1913

How to tell if my cat has a cat food allergy?

When a cat has allergies it has an extremely sensitive immune system to everday substances, you can tell if your cat has an allergy if it acts a little funny after it eats.