Rabbit has 2 vowels, "a" and "i".
No, the word "rabbit" does not have a long vowel. The vowel "a" in "rabbit" is a short vowel sound.
The Choctaw have many different words. The Choctaw word for rabbit is chukfi and this word now, also means sheep.
The word Rabbit in french is: Lapin
Rabbit = Haas
You should get one of the bunnies favorite treats or toys and and let her chase it, Once your rabbit is is focused on the toy hold it and move it in a circle, guessing the rabbit follows the toy walking in a circle. Do that several times and say some word as soon as the rabbit goes in a circle. Pretty soon, you may be able to say the word and give a circle action showing your rabbit to go in a circle, it should.:) Good luck !!!
The word "rabbit" does not contain any silent letters. All the letters in "rabbit" are pronounced when saying the word.
The Filipino word for "rabbit" is "kuneho."
A spayed rabbit. There is no term xD
The Luhya term for the English word "teach" is 'echesia'.
The word "rabbit" has 6 phonemes: /r/ /a/ /b/ /ɪ/ /t/ /rabbit/
The rabbit ran in the field of grass.