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Take them to the vet.

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Q: How do you take care of a cats bullet wound?
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What if your cats wound smells?

Take him to the vet. It's difficult to get a cat's wound to heal without assistance of a vet.

How often do wound infections occur?

That depends on if you take care of it.

Do cats take care of them selves?

all animals can take care of them selfs. (I mean wild animals)

Do cats take care of their young?

Yes , as always

What do you like better cats or dogs?

I like cats because they are easier to take care of.

What was the most common way to take care of a bullet or cannon wound in the US Civil War?

Upperbody, Chest, Abdomen: Block bleeding, wipe wound, open wound (with scalpel if needed), reach in and dig around to remove bullet, attempt to repair any inner-body damage that you can, sew wound shut. Arms & Legs: Possibly remove bullet, more likely to amputate limb Cannon wounds almost always involved massive shrapnel damage and bleeding that would usually kill you, on the off chance you were alive you might have a broken limb that would be set or shrapnel wounds (various ways to treat)

Where can you get Wound Care Certification programs?

You can get Wound Care Certification Programs online at Wound Educators. You can reach them online on their website or call them at 800-637-5526. They have 24/7 Online Courses to fit your need of when you want to take the course.

Do frogs or cats care for their offspring the most?

Cats care for their offspring far more than frogs do. Frogs do not care for their offspring at all. Cats, being mammals, feed their offspring milk, and take care of them while they are kittens.

How do you take care of a tabby cat?

Tabby Cats need the same care as normal cats! Food, water, and lots of cuddles and attention :)

What does a pigeon need to stay alive?

Take care of cats

Sinus tumors in cats?

This is a disease for your vet to take care of.

How many cats to get?

it depends on how many there are and how many you can take care of