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unless you have bred them you should not have them until they are 8-12 weeks old but a 6 week old should still be with its mom until it is weaned at about 7 weeks them it needs to play with its littermates for a few weeks to learn important life skills like not to bite if you need more explanation or have a ? email

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Q: How do you take care of a 6 week old dachshund?
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Can a 4 week old dachshund puppy take a bath?

NO, because the dachshund's skin is still sensitive wait tell at least 3 more weeks at the most. There skin is still trying to get used to the weather that is going on even though the Dachshund is 4 weeks old.

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It is not common for a dachshund to cough and gag, so you NEED to take it to the vet! Don't waist any time, just take it to the vet!

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take care of it or bring it to a dog pound or animal shelter.

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No. The puppies don't leave their mother until they are two weeks old.

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I wouldn't, It might make it sick, you should probably ask a vet.

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Do not separate them this may be normal the mother will take care of it

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It should weigh about 8-9 pounds. I've got a weiner dog too and all she wants to do is relax outside in the sun. Take care of that dog! ;)

When is a dachshund an adult?

2 Years Old

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Well the best thing is to give all your love and care. If someone manages steal it be sure to report to the police.

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It is 600 a month for in home care, at 150 a week. It is 740 a month at 175 a week at a childcare center.

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Feed it, love it, and pet it

What if a 3 week old puppy does not have its mother?

if it is taken care of it will survive