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Explain to him the dangers of keeping a Walrus in the home. Hopefully then he'll understand.

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Q: How do you stop your brother from wanting a walrus?
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How often does a walrus eat fish?

i have no idea so stop using this website :)

Is it possible to stop wanting things?

it is also a wish that we want stop wanting the things. i think when the desires of human being are finished, he/she does not take birth.

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The walrus is the predator

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Ignore her

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Get one.

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Have one or become a nanny.

How many types of walrus are there?

2 the alantic walrus and the pacific walrus

What anime's have a walrus in it?

Whipping Walrus is an anime with a walrus in the cast.

Is a walrus a vertebrate or a invertebrate?

A walrus is a vertebrate.

How can you stop your brother reading your contributions?

Tell him to stop!

When you put it in reverse it make a noses and will not go anywhere but you put it in to neutral it will stop?

well it depends if your wanting to go backwards then you put the car in reverse . or if your wanting to stop then you put the car on neutral.

What is the walrus do?

walrus's do your mom