Spray the veranda flooring with bitter apple spray and take the dog outside for more frequent potty breaks. If the dog makes a mistake on the veranda, if you see it in progress, yell "no" and clap your hands loudly to startle the dog, then take it out immediately and praise it when it does its duty where you want it to.
shoot it
get him used to peeing with the leash on, so he'll get used to it.
No, bleach does not stop dogs from peeing. Bleach is a cleaning agent and disinfectant, but it does not have any effect on a dog's behavior or ability to urinate.
You can get the male dog neutered, this should stop him from urinating in the house as much as he did.
Squirt him with a garden hose every time he does it.
to stop peeing on your floor?
The only way to prevent this, is to walk the dog in the evening. Don't give it pills, your dog will hate you for it.
Positive reinforcement or punishment... You can show it where to pee and give it a treat when it does. or If it pees on the other dog, look at the peeing dog and yell "no" it until it stops. Either should work but positive reinforcement way usually works best.
Go to Walmart and buy Puppy-Accidents mats. They are at least $5-$10.
throw it away.
punch it every time it does it.or grab it forcefully by the neck and lob it across the room.sooner or later it will begin to associate peeing on the table with pain, and stop.
You cannot get a guinea pig to stop peeing on you. They cant help it.