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cut them off.

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Q: How do you stop a dog from chewing its legs?
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Why does your dog keep chewing it's legs?

it has vampire fleas

How do you stop dog from chewing door frame?

there is a special spray so the dog will stop chewing anything you spray the spray can get the spray at petsmart

How do you stop your dog from chewing on people's hair?

Give him enough food ofcorse

How do you stop your dog chewing her back?

Get rid of the fleas. Flea allergies are the number one reason for visits to the vet!

How can you stop a seven months old dog to stop chewing and destroying it's wee wee pad?

You can try using bitter apple spray on the wee wee pad to deter the dog from chewing it. Provide plenty of appropriate chew toys to redirect the dog's chewing behavior. Supervise the dog closely and correct him with a firm "no" whenever he tries to chew the wee wee pad.

How do you stop your flea infested dog from chewing himself while the medicine takes effect?

Get one of those lampshade things

Can heartworms cause my dog's hind legs to stop working?

heart worms if not treated can kill it

How do you stop chewing topacco?

stop moving your jaws... Or you could just eat that Nicoteen chewing gum.

Why is your dog chewing on the stairs?

Your dog may be chewing on the stairs because he is teething. If your dog is a puppy this is a likely cause. When you see the dog doing this, say no and give the dog something safe to chew on. Your dog may also be chewing on the stairs because he is bored. Try playing with the dog, and giving him interesting toys to play with.

Can dogs run faster than humans on the beach?

yes because a human runs on 2 legs a dog runs on 4 legs a dog has pads on there feet and by having them they can run with out having to stop and fall

How do you stop dog from sucking and chewing on her own nipple it is swelled and bleeding?

Could be that the dog has OCD, in which case, keep her from chewing on it even if it means physically restraining her head with a head cone. Could be that the nipple was already causing her discomfort and she started chewing on it to alleviate that discomfort. Take her to a vet.

I can't stop chewing the collar of my shirts, how do I stop?
