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you can let her mate (not my favorite option), or get her spayed, or sometimes if you just open the blinds and let her sit in a window that could also help. It helped my cat, i just figred it oot too! Thamk God!!

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13y ago
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16y ago

All you can do is wait it out. They will normally come out of it after a few days.

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14y ago

get it fixed, so it does not add to the over population of unwanted cats.

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7y ago

The only way to keep cats (and dogs) from going into heat is by spaying them.

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12y ago

you put it in a cold room with no windows

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Q: How do you stop a cat from being in heat?
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When does a cat stop being in heat?

A female cat will typically stop being in heat once she successfully mates and becomes pregnant. If she does not mate, she will continue to cycle in and out of heat until she does. If she does not become pregnant, she may experience a rest period before going into heat again.

If a cat is in heat and gets impregnated can it still display behavior of being in heat for 5 or 6 days after mating?

A cat will usually end its "heat" cycle a few days after being inpregnant, use. It's not always an instant stop to the heat cycle.

Does getting a cat fixed stop heat?

Yes, spaying a female cat will stop her coming into heat, as the procedure involves the removal of the entire reproductive organs.

Does a cat show signs if being in heat after being bred?

Typically, a cat will not show signs of being in heat once they have been bred.

My cat was just spayed and is still in heat... If a cat is spayed during heat cycle will the heat cycle continue?

cats still have hormones even after spaying but heat should stop soon

What can you give a cat to stop the pain during heat?

a lethal injection

Is there anything you can do to stop the whining when a kitten is in heat?

No. There is nothing you can do. Wait until the cat's heat stops and get her spayed.

Will a cat in heat stop eating and drinking?

Being in season is a very stressful time for a cat. Some will put all their energy in looking for or advertising herself to a mate, so much so they will not eat or drink much until they come out of season.

Will the cat stop spraying when out of heat?

Most female cats do not spray, but those that do will only do so if they are in heat or highly agitated.

Signs of a cat being in heat?

They yowl loudly and incessantly when they're in heat. A cat in heat will also sort of crouch close to the ground, and/or drag their behind along the ground.

Can a female cat go into heat after being bred with a male?


how do I stop a cat from being mean with out unaccepted treatment?

stick that cat and whatever it is being mean to/with in a bathroom with them/it until they calm down. -Ashlynn Clayton-