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This should rather be done by a professional as it can be easy to cut the dog.

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Q: How do you shave a Staffordshire bull terrier's tail?
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Do staffordshire bull terriers have bones in their tails?

Yes, all dog's (with the acception of those without tails) have several bones, or vertebre, in their tails. The tail has lots of different sections so that it is flexible and not stiff - as it would be if it just had one big, long bone in it.

Why did pharaohs wear a bull's tail?

Pharaohs wore the bull's tail to symbolize that they had the powers of nature and were as strong as a bull.

Can you dock a Staffordshire bull terrier's tail at 5 weeks?

That is too young, you should wait longer, but the best is to not dock it at all. Why on earth would you want to dock your dogs tail? For one it is part of the dog that is marked upon when looking for typical breed charecteristics, and secondly it's just plain cruel

Are toy fox terriers born with short tail?

Yes, the tail is docked a few days after the pups are born

How long is an African bull elephants tail in feet?

the tail is 47ft

How do Boston terrier tails look?

Although it is unusual, a Boston Terriers tail can be crooked, have bumps, or the dog may have no tail at all.

How does a bull shark swim?

With its tail fins.

What is the real name for pit bulls?

Fact: the dog called "English bulldog" today is a show bred animal developed well AFTER baiting was banned. Dogs with the bracycephalic nose and short, wide, deformed body of the show bulldog never were typical of animals used for bullbaiting. Rather, the true bull-dog was a 40 to 65 pound dog, long of leg, with a strong, medium, working muzzle, and a long, thin tapering tail. There is no original name for the dog before it was called pit bull in America.

Should you shave a Bishon frise's tail because it is so matted?

If the tail is too matted to brush it out then you need to start over and shave it completely, maybe try to leave a little fluff on the end but if matted, then shave the entire area. Matts can cause infections, you need to get them off of all the body of the dog.

Do Boston terriers tails have to be docked?

No they don't. The American Kennel Club is tyring to bring back the long tail.

What is Capricorn is it a bull?

Capricorn is depicted as a Sea-goat... A goat head, forelegs and chest with a fish tail. Bull is for Taurus.

When does the matador deserve the tail of the bull?

He receives the tail only if he has put on an outstanding performance with the muleta along with a flawless kill.