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first: you go somewhere the horse wont get distracted.

second : get a lounge line. i recommend one that has a bungee at the end along with a Chane to protect the horse from harm

third;take the whip with out hiting the horse tap the ground and tell he/she to move out

forth:give the simple commands he'she know

You can also put a saddle on the horse so that he has some weight on him!

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14y ago
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13y ago

There is actually no way to ride a horse without the horse because there is no horse to ride............Hope you understand. but you can simulate riding a horse with coconuts of course

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Of course! You can't learn how to ride without starting out knowing nothing! The greatest riders in the world started out with no idea.

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you need to have balance to ride a horse and grip.

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future tense of ride is ride e.g. i will ride a horse tomorrow, I'm going to ride a horse tomorrow.

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future tense of ride is ride e.g. i will ride a horse tomorrow, I'm going to ride a horse tomorrow.

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