Castor oil repels squirrels and enriches soil at the same time. Mix half a cup with two gallons and water your garden with it. You can also sprinkle black pepper on the soil to deter.
The arsenal of weapons for controlling an onslaught of squirrels is varied, but the best may be your own inventiveness. Keep in mind, however, that trapping to reduce populations is generally not effective and poisoning or shooting is illegal. Squirrels which have entered attics can often be chased out with a broom and the entrance closed. When the den area is inaccessible, trapping is about the only alternative. The live trap should be placed as close as possible to the squirrel's entranceway. Peanut butter is a very good bait. When removing squirrels from January through early September, remember that young may be in the nest. If you have access to a nest with young, put the whole nest in a box and put it outside near the entrance in a safe place. The mother will take them to a new location. Squirrels which have found their way into the living area of a house can usually be encouraged to leave by darkening the room and opening a door or window to the outside. It may take an hour or two for the squirrel to get up enough nerve to leave. A squirrel trapped in a chimney can free himself if a rope is hung inside the chimney from the top. Keeping squirrels out of fruit and nut trees is a difficult task. Tall fruit and nut trees can be protected by trimming away lower branches that come within six feet of the ground and then placing an 18" long sheet metal cylinder around the trunk. The top of the cylinder should be about four and one-half feet above the ground. Groves of dwarf trees can be protected by an electric fence of the type used for livestock. Place three or four strands at 4" intervals on metal, not wooden, stakes. A number of methods can be used to protect flower gardens. The most effective method for protecting flower bulbs and preventing digging in gardens is placing one inch mesh chicken wire over the bed before bulbs sprout in the spring. The flower shoots will easily find their way through the mesh. A number of commercial repellents are on the market which claim to repel squirrels from flower beds and shrubs. They are available at hardware and garden stores. Squirrel's twig-trimming and bark gnawing activities usually do not do long-lasting damage to trees. Large patches where the bark has been removed should be coated with a tree-pruning paint. Simply feed them and hope they avoid your bird feeder - they are pretty darn cute to watch once they leave your bird feeder or fruits alone.
There are different types of deer repellents on the market and some natural ones are human hair and even urine. Rather than repelling the deer, it's better to make it impossible for deer and other wildlife to get into the feeder. Any seed that falls on the ground is an invitation for problems. Ground seed, if not eaten by ground foraging birds right away is subject to going bad. It can be a host site for salmonella, a disease which kills birds and other wildlife. Seed (and bird droppings) under a feeder should be raked up regularly. If you have a persistent feeder "pest", sometimes removing the feeder for a week or two will encourage the pest to move on to find food elsewhere. Don't worry, the birds will find food elsewhere and will come back again when you replace the feeders.
salt blocks bought at like a tractor supply store or game feeders bought at like Walmart i use whole corn in my feeder slat blocks dont work i tried one and the deer didn't even lick it once
Deer Repelent. You can find it in most hardware stores.
Coffee grounds can repel deer, but they do not work on bears.
The dung of most any large cat will discourage deer. Lion and panther dung works well.
Mothballs contain naphthalene, a strong-smelling chemical that can repel some animals when used in high concentrations. However, there is no strong scientific evidence to suggest that mothballs effectively repel deer. Other methods like using fencing, sprays with deer repellent, or planting deer-resistant plants may be more reliable for keeping deer away from certain areas.
Moth balls will repel ants. However, moth balls are toxic and not safe to use. Instead use a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar which can be sprayed in areas that ants have been seen in.
they repel. opposites attract!
The strong smell of garlic can help repel mosquitoes.
They repel.
Repel's population is 65.
Atheists always repel the sayings about the existence of God. Magnetic poles repel each other Electric charges repel each other. Always repel the usage of drugs.
No, magnets do not repel sharks.