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This website will give you the American Kennel Clubs requirements for a purebred Labrador. Pretty much they can be Black, Chocolate, or Yellow (yellow ranges from white to red), white hair is undesirable, but acceptable. Research Bolo if you're interested in purebred Labradors with white markings.

The AKC's standard for height is for an English Labrador, American Labradors are typically taller than 24"

In the end, does it matter whether your Labrador is a purebred? Do you love him just the same if he isn't? Please don't consider breeding without at least being registered in a kennel club, and hip, elbow, and eye certifications. There are too many animals euthanized every day to be breeding potentially inferior labs

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If the female dog is a mix breed but the male is a purebred lab, the puppies would be considered a mix of the two breeds. The puppies will inherit characteristics from both parents, making them a mix breed.

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Well, you see Pure Breeds is when the puppies are breeded by the same type of dog. For example my dog is a pure breed Yellow lab. His mom was a yellow lab and so was his dad. They have more quality and are mostly better looking.