you don't. you call animal control if you are having problems, and they will direct you to the proper course of action.
kill them poison/trap and gas with lawnmower, snowblower etc.. they don't drown easy they hibernate.
You could probably use rat poison, as long as it's poison I don't see how it matters. :P
[Much better answer than given before. ;)]
ethelene glycol (green) antifreeze. keep away from cats/dogs. It works on them just as well.
use moth balls the skunks cant stant the smell, and cats and dogs arnt tempted to drink/eat it as they are antifreeze
Rampage By Motomco, Has to be Motomco. use mothballs they cant stand the smell
They can spray (Skunk), Poison (like some plants) or have adapted senses to avoid predators.
Sure, but be careful. If it hasn't been properly pickled it may kill you.
A striped skunk
Simple. God made the first man (and skunk) and that man who was named Adam named the skunk "Skunk!"
A skunk doesn't have a main preadator. A skunk sprays or attacks anything that threatens to kill it or frighten the skunk.
A skunk hollow is a shallow burrow made by a skunk, where it sleeps.
There is no skunk god people it is hibbyjiiby stuff no skunk god
A Shrunk Skunkyz
skunk: "zorrillo"
Skunk is correct.
Actually, the skunk is a species all to itself. Ways to categorize the species of the skunk would be a mammal or vertebrate. Contrary to popular belief, the skunk is actually not a rodent. The skunk's family is Mephitidae and the skunk's order is Carnivora.