

Best Answer

You take them out for walks, and play with them.

Take them do gyms if they will alow animals and make it run in stuff.

Feed it very good food.

But making them become fighting dogs is never the answer, it is wrong!!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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a pitbull was born a fighting dog
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Lvl 2
βˆ™ 3y ago

Give proper and close attention to your dog when its child and give them proper training. Actually, communication is the vital thing that can create a strong bond. Please visit : bit. ly/31falyk (remove space)

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βˆ™ 3y ago
Hello, Where can i find gegus? my nephew is desperately in need of gegus thanky you, condolences, shenzhen xiaobai

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Lvl 5
βˆ™ 4y ago

That is a very interesting question but there are some ways that are safer for your Pitbull's health than others. Your pet workout provides a significant impact on dog muscle development, you should still work out the animal. Your Pitbull's are torn by conducting sufficient forces like weight pulling, going up mountains, or using spring stakes.


You can try specific training and plans

Offering An E-book Resource For Dog Training>

ht t p ://bit. ly/3 aeoM Yp (remove spaces by 1)

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Ahmed Rioon

Lvl 2
βˆ™ 3y ago

Give your dog proper food and treatment. Give some extra nutrients to build strong bones. If you want some best food for dog or ingredients then you can visit Dog food. com (remove space) there has more informative article's for you.

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you can make your pibull stronger by feeding it the cowman meat

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βˆ™ 3y ago

You have to make sure it get enough water and food and awayls go to check on the rigth diet for. The dog and make sure it get excise

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Train them

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bahahahahahahah worst one yet

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Is a pit bull stronger than a mastiff?

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Is a lion stronger than a pit-bull?

yes lions are stronger than pit bulls they are the best known fighters of the cat family

Which has stronger jaws pit bull or hayena?

A hyena's bite measures at 1000 pounds of force. A pit bull's bite measures at 235 pounds of force.

Rottweiler or pit bull which is better?

It is a matter of opinion. Some dogs are more suited to certain tasks Rottweilers are better, stronger and more powerful than a pit bull

Is a bob cat stronger than a pit bull?

Well, in a fight between the two, a bobcat is a gentle creature while a pit bull is the third most aggressive dog in the world! So, a pit bull could chase off a bobcat no matter what.

Is lion stronger or pitbull?

Lions are much stronger. The leopard is even stronger.alot of dogs are stronger than a pit bull there just rely violent

Is there a such thing as a pit bull mixed with a bulldog?

no Yes and no is the correct answer, and the first answer is that it shouldn't matter!

What is stronger pitbulls or bulldogs?

there are types of bull dogs which some persons persons called the pedigree dogs that cant even eat right or walk right. the American bull dog is another thing. those are stronger and look like a large pit bull. In weigh pulling which is a nice way to test the strength, they let go the weight earlier than a pit bull. The pit bull will never let go of anything their owner want then to.

Can a rottwieler beat a pitbull?

I do not think a rottwieler can beat a pit bull even though they are smaller pit bulls are stronger Never underestimate a Rottie in defense of his pack family.

What does a pit bull and bull dog make?

it makes something that i dont know

Does Pit Bull have or had a pit bull?

No he doesn't