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When a cat is in the final stages of terminal illness, and has to be euthanized (put down), you take the cat to the vet. You do NOT euthanize the cat at home, by yourself.

Veterinarians and Animal Care & Control do not just hand out lethal substances to people. No sane person is going to give a complete stranger a dose of poison, and trust that they use it wisely.

You may honestly want your cat to die peacefully and painlessly. But other people are not so sincere, and some of them are actually psychopaths.

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Q: How do you make your cat comfortable when dying?
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Ask yourself: are you sure that she is really comfortable or are you afraid of hurting your own feelings with euthanasia.

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I have never heard of a cat dying from psychogenic alopecia.

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The most basic thing is to make the cat as comfortable as possible at home. Some owners give the cat its favourite food in the last days or weeks, offer comfort when the cat needs it, or give it space if that's what it prefers. Anything that keeps the cat relaxed and otherwise happy. General care can differ from cat to cat, and will vary depending on the injury or illness. Aside from this, the best thing to do is to consult with your vet about what is best. If you believe your cat is uncomfortable, your vet may be able to prescribe some treatment to make the cat a little more comfortable. If you and your vet agree that medication will not work or is not ideal for whatever reason, or you think the cat's quality of life cannot be maintained, it may be time to think about putting the cat to sleep to keep the cat from suffering. No-one but you can decide what the best option is, as you will know your pet better than anyone. Your vet can talk you through all the options and will help you in whatever you decide.

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I was very comfortable with the new living arrangements. I feel comfortable in my clothes. My cat is no longer skittish, she is comfortable in the house.

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cillit bang

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Your cat may have bladder stones (this happened to me) and wants to find a comfortable place to urinate, as the litterbox is obviously less comfortable than a bed.

How do you take care of a cat pregnant cat?

Well, to take care of a pregnant cat is easy. You just have to feed her a little more, give her more affection, and watch her belly. When the time comes, make sure she's comfortable to give birth.