

How do you make my dog more energetic?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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11y ago

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First of all ask yourself- Is the dog healthy physically and mentally?

If the dog has an injury, illness, physical condition (hearing impaired, overweight, hormone imbalance)or even has a mental condition( depression/ paranoid from being formerly abused etc...) Then he should be taken to the doctor.

If the Doctor says everything is A OK and you want your dog to be more active the answer lies with you.

Dogs are very impressionable, inately giving creatures. If you are excited to play with your dog, and invest time everyday to do different activities with your dog he will LEARN through experience that doing things with you is fun.

Dogs get bored easily.

Your dog may not like the options he is given, so it is important to constantly try new activities with your pooch until you find the things that make him happy.

A dog might not like fetch with a ball, so try a frisbee or even a doll. Maybe fetch isn't his thing, Maybe your dog needs to interact with people or other dogs on a more regular basis. A dog relies heavily on his sense of smell, dogs need the opportunity to smell new scents, whether it be from people, places, objects etc..HINT- If you don't have the time, buy different perfumes, air fresheners, even exotic foods and spritz/ hide these scents in your house in random spots for your dog to find and smell.

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12y ago
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15y ago

If it's slow and boring enough you actually have to ask, then there's probably something wrong with your ferrets health. It could be serious, maybe not. But you should see the vet. To make sure your ferret is acting normal, go by these standards. -sleeping 18-20 hours a day is good. -should play the whole time it's awake. -when awake, lethargic behavior is bad.

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11y ago

All you need to do is grab your dog's attention, and when the attention fades, revert back to grabbing the dog's attention. Channelize the focus to something fun, like playing fetch or Frisbee.

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16y ago

BUT.....when at the vet.... ask about changing to a healthier food preferably holistic/organic

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15y ago

hide treats around the house take her to the backyard and play fetch every day, extend the playtime buy a few minutes every few days more walks

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14y ago

Your dog is only as active as you are so if you want your dog to be active then go running with it or go play fetch at the park you might even benefit too

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