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well, there's not a really...official, i guess method for it, but the thing that I've found most successful for separation anxiety is to tie the puppy on a lead to, idk, maybe like a deck post or something solid, so it has enough room to move comfortably. after the dog is tied, walk about four feet past where the puppy can go and turn to do something else (even if it is just moving your habds through the grass--the dog just has to thinkthat you're doing something important). when the puppy begins to whine and cry, IGNORE HIM!!! this wil be hard (i know, since I've been there), but it should pay off. the instant AFTER the puppy stops whining, immediately turn to face him, not giving him time to begin whining again, and pet him and tell him what a good dog he is, and after a moment return to whatever you were "busy" with. Then, of course, sooner or later, the puppy will whine and eventually after that he will stop and you can pet him. if your dog is a continuous whiner (eg he would whine for hours on end), then when you tie him, take with you a bycicle horn (or something else that makes a big noise--maybe a coach's whistle) and after you are way from him, once he starts whining, blow the horn/whistle/other and when the dog stops whining, then turn and reward him. repeat this and he will learn that whining makes the bad noise happen.

if this does not work, then leave the dog in a room by himself, preferably in a kennel o a playpen, to prevent messes, and close the door behind you. after you leave, when the puppy whines, put the horn/whistle to the crack in the door and honk/blow on it, but do not reveal yourself to the puppy!!!!!! otherwise he will learn that the bad noise only happens when you are nearby, and might associate it with you---he will also learn that he can whine anytime that you are not around to correct him. if he stops whining after the horn is blown, he can come out of his area, but work with him on this in different rooms of the house, or he will associate the bad noise with that one room.

another thing that is very important is to NEVER GIVE THE PUPPY ATTENTION WHEN HE CRIES!!!!!!!! the puppy is crying because he wants attention, and if you give him what he wants, then that negatively reinforces the rules (which is bad). one of the worst punishments to give a dog is to ignore them. dogs would rather be yelled at and have negatve attention than to be ignored---just about any day. if your dog's whining has been going on for a while, it will be a tough habit to break, but another thing to try would be to give him treats when he is quiet(!), and tell him in a serious voice, "Quiet." while holding a treat and or couse he doesn't bark then reward him, he may learn. once it seems like he understands "quiet" a little bit, then maybe try it after he has just begun whining, while holding a treat (eg turn your back to him while holding a treat, when he starts whining then look at him and say calmy and seriously, "quiet." ---and it's ok to repeat yourself when giving a command like stay or quiet, one that they are to do continuously---and if he is quiet, give him the treat, if he continues to whine, SIMPLY TURN YOU BACK AND IGNORE HIM UNTIL HE STOPS (or he will just think even more that it is good when he whines and that you want him to whine-which you don't). once he stops whining, pet him and praise him.

if none of this works then i am sorry. seek professional help.

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13y ago
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16y ago

when a pup is whining in it cage all it means is that it is used to being around people or other dogs and feels alone. this is ok! you just need to train it to adjust. you do this by simply pretending you don't see the pup at all. the more you acknowledge the pup is there, the more it will whine knowing it is successful in getting your attention. by ignoring it you are not hurting it, just letting it know that making noises changes nothing. the pup may start to bark too, which can be stopped by a soft muzzle if it gets out of hand, but overall, do not pay any attention to the pup! let it be!!

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15y ago

I have had many of puppies that have cried in the past. Don't keep it in the kennel all the time, play with him/her. At night, if you really like dogs let it sleep with you and he/she might feel calmer. Pet your puppy alot, and make the puppy think that it's your real pal. Puppies become dogs, and dogs are campions. So teach your little campioion about you and play with it, it might be the start of a new friendship!

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15y ago

You need to make sure that the reason the puppy is crying is only from it being lonely. Make sure all the other reasons are not responsible like hunger or thirst or having to go potty. Then you can try putting something in with it like a stuffed dog or a warm water bottle. Some people put a clock that ticks in with puppies to help them cope with being alone at night. It simulates a steady heartbeat of the missing siblings and mother.

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15y ago

heres some things to try... Give it attention give it a treat give it a toy.

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12y ago

the thing that t=you can try is going sht every time he/she dose it and ignor her/him but say sht hope i helped:)

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13y ago

ask him to stop crying

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