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There is no 100% fix, and cats will shed alot more in the summer. Try brushing often and/or bathing your cat. Cats will need to shed their thick winter coat they had during the winter for the summer, as would be the opposite during winter. You may not

Be able to bathe your cat, so if not, try to brush your cat as often as possible. Catsmay also shed due to stress. Try to eliminate stress factors for your cat and it may help.

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Q: How do you make Cats shed less?
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Which breeds of cat shed less?

There are cats with no hair called the Sphinx Cat, they shed the least. All cats do shed but those with longer hair 'seem' to shed more because of the longer hairs floating about and on everything. Brushing often does help.

Bombay cats shed?

Yes, Bombay cats do shed.

Do Female cats shed more then male cats?

yes female cats shed more then male cats

Which cats shed the least?

Depends on the cat. Shorthaired cats, such as the American Shorthair, will shed less than cats with long or very thick hair. The length and thickness in hair depends on the breed, or the genes for Domestic Shorthair or Longhair cats (moggies).

What breed of cat does not shed?

Although I'm not sure that there are any cats that shed no fur at all, you might take a look at the Cornish Rex and Devon Rex who have a tightly curled short coat which feels like crushed velvet and looks much like Astrakhan.There is a breed of cat that has no fur called the Sphynx, so this would be one that certainly wouldn't shed.None, there is a myth that some don't shed but it is a myth - all animals shed, some just shed less than others.

Do ragamuffins shed?

Ragamuffins shed! (all cats do, pretty much)

Do sibirian cats shed?

Yes, and they shed a lot! Siberian cats (when kept in Siberia) will shed a bunch in the warmer months. If you keep your Siberian in your warm-temperatured house, the cat will shed more excessively.

Is it normal for cats to shed lots of fur when it is growing up?

cats shed all of the time so yes it is normal

Do cats ever stop shedding?

Yes, cats do shed their claws. It is not something that you usually see about to happen, you just find a claw on the carpet somewhere. Though it is normal, when you find a claw, do have a close look just to make sure that it IS just a shed piece and not the whole claw. The shed claw is just a hollow shell.

Why do cats molt?

They do not molt; they shed.

Do Munchkins cats shed?

Munchkin cats shed fur but only on a minimal level. Munchkin cats have abnormally short legs because of a naturally occurring genetic mutation.

Do white tiger mix domestic cats shed a lot?

No they barely even shed