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Your hamster is happy if it's healthy. To tell that your hamster is healthy do a daily health check -

1. Check your hamster's eyes, ears. scent glands and bottom. Look for any change in appearance, bleeding, discharge or unusual smell.

2. Gently feel all over the body for lumps of injuries.

3. Look at each paw and nail. If the nails are curling around they may need trimming. Older, less - active hamsters are particularly prone to this. Ask a vet to show you how to trim the nails.

4. Carefully draw back your hamster's lips and look at its teeth. Check to see that the incisors are the normal color and length. Report any abnormalities to your veterinarian.

5. Pay attention to your hamster's behavior, posture, physical condition, and eating and drinking habits. Any changes could indicate pain or a health problem.


These symptoms may indicate that your hamster needs to visit a veterinarian.

-Hunched posture

-Change in behavior

-Uncharacteristic aggression

-Fur that sticks up and looks bedraggled

- Not eating or drinking

-Reluctance to move


Hope I helped!

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14y ago
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14y ago

If its happy it should be running on its wheel and nibbling away at food and stuff and most likely doesn't bite.

If its sad It Will Bite And Be Grumpy And Most Likely Doesnt Want To Be Handled

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15y ago

well it will look at you when you get it and it will leap in joy.:-) :-)

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14y ago

Guinea pigs will squeal and purr when it is happy. Sometimes it squeals because it needs food or water. Other times it chatters its teeth which means beware, like a threat.

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14y ago

when it grooms itself by licking it legs

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guinea pigs can live up to 8 years old i should know i have had like 8 guinea pigs!

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go to the vet

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Did u know how guinea pigs and hamsters alike

Is it good for guinea pigs to purr?

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