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Baby mice can be sexually mature as young as three weeks, though it can happen a little later, too. You should leave the babies with their mom as long as possible, but definitely not more than four or five weeks, or you'll end up with a lot more babies! Girls can stay with their mom for as long as you keep them, but you'll need to put the boys in their own cage.

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13y ago

You'll know when the mom tries to eat it lol no just wait until hes 5-7 weeks old ok?

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Q: How do you know when its time to separate your mice babies?
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Mice have a gestation period of 20 days. They can have 3-14 babies.

Will the father hamster kill the babies?

because he is jeaulus the babies r taking his territory and the mothers affection and attention. separate the baby and the fatherand when it time separate the girl and Boyd

What if your mouse had twenty babies at one time is that bad?

One of my mice has had two litters, only bearing three babies each time. Another one of my girls, who was only 4 months old, had 13 babies. Domesticated or wild, mice can have up to 100 babies a year. They will only be able to get pregnant 4 times a year and they can have as many as 25 babies at a time. It's perfectly normal- although the mama may need some extra TLC.

Is it ok to separate mice for a period of time then introduce them again?

yes it is ok separate them and reintroduce them. they will reamamber each other and will get along just fine

Can you change the bedding in a mice cage that houses a mother and her babies more then a week old?

As long as you dont touch the babies it's ok Just do half the cage at a time.

How many babies can a female mouse have at one time?

Female mice will mostly have from 6-12 babies at a time. Some Female might have more or less than that. There really is no right answer to this.

Can a pregnant mouse have just one offspring only?

No, mice often have up to 3-4 babies at one time

Should mice be separated if they are pregnant?

YES! You MUST separate a pregnant female from any males, as the males are likely to eat the babies once they are born. You SHOULD separate females unless they both have their litters at the SAME time. Female mice will care for each other's babies, but if one mouse is not lactating (producing milk) she may try to care for some of the babies but will actually starve them, as she is not aware that she isn't producing milk. It is best to separate a pregnant mouse at least a week before her litter is due (2 weeks after she gets pregnant).

Why do mice eat their babies?

it is more likely for adult male mice to attack baby mice if there are two male mice. There have been studies done showing that when mice receive sunlight, the males will not kill/eat the babies. You should place your mice in a room that gets plenty of natural light. However, it's best to keep your mice out of direct sunlight, especially if they are kept in a terrarium/aquarium as it can overheat.

Does the male mouse need to be taken out of cage when newborns are born?

For a higher sucess rate of the baby mice being born or growing up, once you see the mother mouse begin building a nest she should be placed by herself until the babies are out and about by themselves in whatever you have placed the mother mouse in. answer i would say yes u can ask a pet sore for more info i have heard the father can hurt the babies but that hasn't happened to mine i left the father mouse wid its babies i think its ok but if she has many babies 4+ then he should be removed if u don't want another batch of babies in 3 weeks its best to remove the male straight away because she can get pregnant within 24 hours of giving birth so watch out for that! i had big problems!!and also the babies inbreed with the mother so remove the baby boys when they are 4 weeks old but don't put them with the father because they will fight if a male doesnt know or hasn't growen up with another male in the cage they will hurt each other...

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Rats or mice whatever these eat just about anything most of the time seeds, bread,etc,etc

Can mice live alone?

Mice do not like to live alone. They get board, lonely and depressed. This leads to aggression and extra time sleeping.