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Sometimes it is difficult to tell a cat has an injury as cats can hide pain very well. Some tell-tale signs could be being unable to jump, limping, possibly making a noise when the injured hip is touched.

A vet will be able to determine a broken hip by feeling the area, or by doing an x-ray.

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17y ago

Cats don't have wrists, but one joint (like a knee) and just above their paw. It's difficult for a layperson to decide if the cat has broken or sprained their leg so it's best to see your vet. In fact, today I'm taking my cat in to be checked by my vets because she has been limping off and on today. Hopefully it's just a sprain.

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14y ago

The cat won't walk on it and it will probably whine, but only a vet can make that distinction. If you like your cat, let a vet tell you.

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14y ago

For heavens sake, take the poor thing to a vet.

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14y ago

is it limping

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Q: How do you know when a cat's wrist is broken?
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Is your wrist broken?

While a doctor is needed to determine if you have broken your wrist, you can learn how to tell if you broke your wrist by certain symptoms you may experience. However even with a symptom check list, if you suspect you broke your wrist seek medical treatment immediately. Obvious signs of a broken wrist are deformities or odd appearances to the area. Also, if a bone is protruding through the skin, chances are you have broken your wrist. Other symptoms to help you tell if you broke your wrist include severe pain, swelling, and tenderness. Bruising and stiffness are also likely to occur. Often, numbness and cold sensations can be experienced with a broken wrist however some of these symptoms can also occur with a sprained wrist so if you suspect a problem get it checked out.

How do you know cats have a broken leg?

if its limping or if the leg looks weird inspect the others and compare

Can you go abroad if you have got a broken wrist?


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Just don't get one! Don't trip and hit your wrist!

I was jumping on my trampoline in the snow and I slipped and fell I did not hurt myself but the next day my wrist started hurting does that mean it might be broken?

Your wrist might not be broken, but it could be injured.

How did your wrist watch spoiled is it correct language?

No that is not the correct language. It would be better to say: How did your wrist watch get broken.