Yes any living mammal can have diabetes
She doesn't know where it went. She thinks it's lost.
"Female puppy" in English is cucciola o cagnolinain Italian.
I don't know but if they do then breed them because the puppies will be ADORABLE.
when is the best time to spay/nueter a female Airedale puppy?
you can and can not i mean because you need both a male and female dog to breed a puppy or the female dog already had a lover but left her and you can always adopt a puppy
I really don't know, well I think so
Puppy. Perrita though refers exclusively to a female puppy.
A puppy or Puglet
Any puppy who will not eat or drink needs to see a vet. Could be anything, but she needs to be checked.
True love is a female love a male and puppy love is when a human love a puppy