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It depends if you have the mother. If the mother is there the best advice is to LEAVE THEM BE!! Put them in a warm room, and give the mother all she needs (soft blankets, favorite food, lots of water.)

If you do not have the mother, you will need some sort of baby bottle to feed the infants, you will need to keep them very warm, and be there all the time to make sure they are okay. You can get all the necessary equipment from a vet or animal shelter. Animal shelters may even have a nursing cat that will be able to take on more kittens.

I got my babies with their mother, so I didn't touch them. They normally have their eyes closed the first week, and can NOT walk at all at first. Then they walk like little turtles and have weak little whimpers. I let their mommy tend to their needs, and now we have 5 extremely strong and healthy cats.

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15y ago

It depends on the circumstances in which you found the kitten.

If you have a female cat that is currently nursing her own litter, you can introduce the new baby to her, and see if she will make herself it's surrogate.

If not, you can go to any pet specialty store, and buy formula and small nipples to hand feed the kitten. You will need a heating pad as well, to put soft warm blankets on top of, if the kitten is very newborn ^_^

Also, giving the kitten a lot of attention, and "grooming" it can be very important if there is no surrogate cat mother. This will replace the licking and cleaning the birth mother would have given, and create a bond with the kitten. It will learn to respect humans, and probably see you as it's parent as well :]

Don't forget to take the newborn to a local veterinarian, to make sure it hasn't contracted any illnesses since birth, that could have been cause for the mother to abandon it in the first place :]

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14y ago

I assume the mother won't accept this kitten? Wrap the kitten in a soft cloth/blanket, & hold it close to your body to warm it up........then you'll have to hand-feed it special formula every two hours with a nursing bottle, making sure to stimulate it to pee & poop after every meal. Good luck!

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14y ago

Take them to the ASPCA as soon as possible. If there is none in your area get some kitten formula at the nearest pet store. If they don't get there mother's milk they are open to all kinds of infection. If you can afford it take them to a veternarion for treatment. You want to help them. Do it!

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17y ago

I have done this with a puppy but not a cat. Once I realized that the pup was not breathing I began to massage its chest ( squeezing just hard enough to feel the ribcage compress a bit to get the heart pumping ) and using your mouth to cover its entire muzzle ( nose and mouth ) blow an ever so light breath into its lungs after every 5 or so compressions of the chest. It may not be the correct way but the puppy lived.

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12y ago
  • keep them warm and help them nurse with their mother remember newborn kittens will need their mothers colestrum
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12y ago

How do u keep your dying kitten comfortable

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Kittens need their mother's milk for at least 8 weeks.The answer to your question is yes.

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Kittens naturally get goop in their eyes; you just need to keep wiping their tear ducts regularly. If the goop seems exessive, take the kittens to a vet.

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It is probably teething. Give it something else to chew on.

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Call the fire department .

Can you touch your kittens at 1 week old?

Yes, if mama cat is comfortable witgh you, there shouldn't be a problem touching the kittens. But don't forget, 1 week old kitten haven't opened their eyes yet so they need their mother very much, so try to handle them too much.

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Mom cats often adopt another cat's litter, especially if the mom recently gave birth. For young kittens, that's okay BUT mom will need more food with protein (e.g. a good dry and wet food). However, 12-week old kittens should NOT be nursing. Separate the older kittens from their "adopted" mom and get them onto dry food.

How such sleep does a sixteen week old kitten need?

Kittens generally spend 16 to 18 hrs a day sleeping.

How do you heal a 7 week old kittens pinched spine nerve?

Well, you should bring it to the vet. They will give you the bast answer.