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Just leave her alone and let her do her job

it's nature

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Q: How do you help a rabbit giving birth?
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What are the chances of your rabbit dying while giving birth?

1 out of 125. It is rare that a rabbit dies while giving birth.

What do you call when a rabbit is having a kit?

When a rabbit is giving birth, it is called kindling.

What is a rabbits giving birth called?

A rabbit's birth process is called kindling. :)

How you can help a female rabbit giving birth?

Its best to leave them be in-less the baby's are stuck when you need to have two fingers and very, very gently pull.

What stage of pregnant does a rabbit pull fur out?

The female rabbit pull out it fur in the last stages of giving birth

Is there anything you can do while a rabbit is giving birth?

Absolutely not! If you mess with the Mommie rabbit while she is giving birth, she can bite you, and she will be agitated enough to jump around and hurt the babies. Sticking hands in the cage can cause the mom to give birth to stillborn babies, and after birth the Mommie rabbit may decide not to take care of her babies if she is upset enough. Rabbits are one animal where nothing good comes from interfering.

How do you know when a rabbit is done giving birth?

rabbits usually give birth at night so if you find the newborns when you check on them in the morning the birth is done.

How do you know a girl rabbit is giving birth?

Watch it for 9 months and watch too see if it happens.

Does rabbit lays egg?

no they dont- they are warm-blooded mammals so they reproduce by giving birth alive

What is the world record for rabbits giving birth?

well i know a large rabbit can have up to 12 babies

What is the rabbit kid called?

A baby rabbit is called kitten or a kit or a kindle A Kindle or to be more precise TO KINDLE is the act of giving birth to baby rabbits. It is NOT a baby rabbit.

Do female rabbits have their babies when people are watching?

Yes, rabbits are able to give birth while people are watching, however, if you do catch your rabbit giving birth, make sure you stay quiet and do not move her in any way. It is sometimes difficult to catch a rabbit giving birth because they usually kindle(give birth) late at night or early in the morning. --Newfoundland97