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Well your rabbit should be indoors anyway because any other rabbits that are not wild get illnesses if kept outside so you should not be having this problem if you move your bunny indoors

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you put a fence around it

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Q: How do you get your neibours cat not to eat your rabbit?
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Why is the cat eating rabit?

It is hungry. If you do not want it to eat the rabbit, then feed your cat.

What would a rabbit eat?

A rabbit would eat bark, grass, herbs, fruit, buds/twigs.

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No...they might bite them

Do cats eat rabbit?

A cats natural instinct is to hunt and therefore, the answer is yes. The cat will eat the rabbit. However, there have been some cases where a cat that has been raised around rabbits will not attack one. If your cat is not familiar with rabbits I would not bring one around him/her.

Can you put hamster cat and rabbit into Aphabetically order?

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How can you get free cat food?

I had a cat when I lived in the bush, an it used to eat all the rabbits. There were always bits and pieces of rabbit left around the place but that cat never went hungry.

Should you eat cats?

If you are in the woods with no food or nothing you should eat a cat. What ever moves its edible to eat like Deer's, Cats, Wolfs, Dogs, and rabbit's.

Do cats get along with rabbits?

not always! sometimes the cat gets really hungry and has to eat the rabbit but sometimes they get along

Does bulldogs eat bunnies?

Yes, but dogs can be trained to leave a rabbit alone, but this training takes a long time and can become very boring, so avoid putting a dog and rabbit, or cat and rabbit, together.

What gender do bobcats hunt?

The gender of an animal doesn't matter when it comes to the animal that the bob cat hunts. The bob cat will hunt the animal preferably a rabbit and eat it later on.

What is difference between cow and rabbit?

Other than being approximately the same size and covered in fur, rabbits and cats are totally different animals. Rabbits are of the Lagomorpha family while cats belong to Felidae. Lagamorpha are herbivore while cats are carnivores. Meaning a cat would eat a rabbit but a rabbit would never eat a cat.