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When the dog bites or nips at you when you try to brush it, he/she is trying to make you stop when they want you to stop.

The dog is trying to be the alpha by telling you what to do, and this is not acceptable behaviour, since the human, not the dog, should always be the alpha, the one in charge.

When brushing, if the dog bites, make it clear that this in not acceptable behaviour by giving a firm "no" and using a hand, gently "bite" the side of his neck and press his head to the floor. (This only works if the dog is laying down to begin with, which he should be for now). This is not hitting him or pinching him! Do not hit or pinch! This "biting" action is a common dog behaviour, and is how dogs assert themselves over other dogs. It should not hurt the dog! By doing this, you are making it clear that YOU are in charge, and he must put up with the brushing until you are done. Gently rub the brush down his back once. If he allows you to do this without snarling or biting, reward him by petting him, giving him a treat, telling him good boy, etc. Reward him every time he allows you to brush him without showing any signs of aggression. By rewarding for good behaviour, the dog will begin to associate brushing with good things like treats and affection.

Keep these "training sessions" short to begin with, and always end on a happy note. (Right after he behaves. Do not stop right after he has tried to bite, because then he will learn that if he bites, the brushing will stop).

After a while, instead of using the "hand bite," you may be able to simply say "no," as a reminder not to bite.

It may take a long time, and many "training sessions" before the dog finally "gets it," but don't give up! Eventually he will realize that the brush is not hurting him, and may even start to enjoy it.

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11y ago

Don't try to rush into the process of tooth brushing. Make the dog enjoy the process, and you will have won the battle.

Start by offering your dog a taste of the veterinary toothpaste. Offer lots of praise and keep this a happy and fun event. The next day, let him taste the toothpaste, then run your finger along the gums of the upper teeth. Soften the toothbrush's bristles with warm water, and repeat the process with the tooth brush, if he'll let you.

The next day, repeat all the steps your dog has allowed to date, and add a new step: run the bristles of the toothbrush along the gum line of the upper back teeth and angle slightly up, so the bristles get under the gum line. Work from back to front, making small circles along the gum lines. It should take you less than 30 seconds to brush your pet's teeth. Do not try to brush the entire mouth at first, in fact it might take a few days to get to this point.

If all that your dog lets you brush is the outside of the upper teeth, you are still addressing the most important area of periodontal disease - prevention. If your dog eventually allows you to brush most of his teeth, so much the better.

Don't give up! Your dog will become more tolerant with time.

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