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Hand out bussins cards of flers

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Q: How do you get clients to walk dogs?
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Related questions

Why do people walk their dogs?

people walk there dogs because the can and there dogs have to use the bathroom but for some people, they walk their dogs to check out other people lol

Do dogs sleep walk?

Some dogs sleep walk. When they sleep walk it is because they are scared.

Can you have your own dog walking business at the age of 13?

Yes, if you are mature and realize that once you start to walk people's dogs they rely on you and you can't let them down! Start off small with two or three clients to see if you like it. This is a big responsibility, but many young people in British Columbia, Canada will walk dogs for owners who haven't got the time.

How many dog you can walk at the same time?

You may walk as many dogs as possible.Though walking a lot of dogs once may be a problem.Many dogs are calm and you can walk a lot of calm dogs at once but if walking hypoactive dogs it is better to make a second trip.

Do you have to have a license to walk dogs?


Do dogs walk?


Can you walk two dogs in Nintendo dogs?

No, only one.

Is the humnan dog real?

well... dogs are not human like us because they do not walk on 2 feet.. but we are hominids and we walk on 2 feet. Dogs walk on 4

Give a reason you like dogs or cats?

dogs you can play with and walk

Your dogs fat do you walk him?


Do rat terrier dogs walk with a skip?

Yep, terriers walk with a skip!

How fast do dogs walk?

Dogs walk at varying speeds. The speed in which a dog walks depends on its general health, age, and physical condition.