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get them to drink water. If they are having stomach problems give them white rice with chicken or beef broth.

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Q: How do you get a dog well after eating cheese?
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How do get a mouse a cat and a dog across the river without the dog eating the cat and the cat eating eating the mouse?

well my dog and cat get a long well but a mouse is not possible in less the dog is in the middle of course

Can your dog eat non gluten cheese puffs?

Your dog should be eating food which is intended for dogs - not for people. Those cheese puffs more than likely contain ingredients which are bad for you,, let alone your dog.

What reasons are there for eating cheese?

The reason for eating cheese is that cheese has dairy and in dairy there is calcium which improves your bones.

How dog grow?

dogs grow by eating well.... sometimes

How can you get rid of stereo and smoothie?

you get rid of them by eating cheese you get rid of them by eating cheese

Why my dog smell breath smell like?

Maybe he's been eating a lot of cheese or just has very rotten breath.

Why is it you like cheese?

Most people enjoy eating some type of cheese. It tastes very good and goes well with many different foods.

Who died from nacho cheese?

well if its nacho cheese then its your fault... i mean seriously you cant just go around eating whats not yours! p.s. i like extra cheese on my nachos

Can you give cheese with antibotic to your dog?

Yes. Cheese will not hurt a dog.

What is a chilli cheese dog?

It's a hot dog with chili and cheese on it.

Can dogs eat cheese?

In general it is not a good idea to feed human food to dogs - depending on the individual dog's sensitivity to high-fat food and how much the dog has been exposed to human foods, it can cause gastrointestinal upset and in the worse case scenario pancreatitis. Having said this, cheese is often used as a treat when training dogs.CHEESE,CHEESE,CHEESE,CHEESE. by charlie millar