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a good way to get your dog in the water to swim is to play with him in the edge throwing the toy and make him go after it. After getting hiim exited in the game all of a sudden change and throw the toy in the water but not too far. This has never failed me.

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14y ago

It may take a while to acheive this goal, so please have patience while going through these steps. It may take longer if the dog has had a traumatic experience with water.

First, I would suggest carrying around some treats. Next, guide your dog towards a small puddle. Coax him/her gently to walk through it. Try tapping your hand in the water gently, and be calm and relaxed. Dogs can feel tension in their owners, and will be even more reluctant to enter the water.

If it has a positive response, reward with a treat.

Then, try a small creek for a slightly higher level.

After the small creek, try a kiddie pool

Keep trying bigger amounts of water each time your dog responds positivly about each level of water.

Lastly, NEVER force your dog into the water. It was cause the process to go backwards, and your dog will end up just hating it more.

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14y ago

they paddle there paws and swishing there feet

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Q: How do you get a dog that hates water to like it?
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