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== == == == The best thing to do is to have your dog microchipped in the first place. Microchipped dogs have the highest rate of recovery when lost. Besides putting up signs, look for your dog in the "found"; ads in the paper, call your local police district, and the ASPCA and Humane Society to see if someone has turned your pet in. Best of luck to you! No you don't need to have a tracking device to find your dog. Trust me, I know. Tracking devices would be helpfull, but they are kind of expensive & not necisary. What I think you should do would be to call your local animal shelter and check with them... also put up some flyers that have (if possible) a picture of the dog, and have the dog's name on it and where it was last seen. You should also have your phone number and your e-mail address (if you have one) I realy hope you find your dog, I know what it feels like to have one go missing If you take your dogs for walks or have stayed in another part of that town/suburb and your dog has been with you, you should look in those places because he/she would likely have gone there first.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Put up flyers everywhere. If you can, offer a reward. Check all the local shelters and animal services locations in your area. Place a lost ad in the paper. Check area vets to see if he turned up there. And when you get him home -- and hoepfully you will -- look into having a microchip painlessly inserted into him with all his information so he can be tracked down. It costs $35-45
you try to get as meny people to help find the dog as you can

call its name sevrel times around where you last saw it it might come back within 10 days.

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13y ago

You should put up flyers saying that this dog is missing and put up your home phone number to call you and then you should reward the person that finds your dog with a small sum of cash if you can afford it. If tyhey refuse you r reward then you just throw the money in their face and run.

That doesnt work if you had a dog like mine. I had a miniature Yorkshire terrier and he was adorable so someone has took him because it has been about 3 months now :'( I really want him back. I gave out leaflets, looked everywhere calling out his name, the lot. I really miss my little baby.

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16y ago

Make a police report then go to the persons house and make sure that it;s your dog like maybe bring his faverite snack or call his name and if he respanods call the cops and tell them that somebody took your dog that's what did and got my dog back

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12y ago

the best way to help find a lost puppies home, is to take it to the vet and see if it has a mucro-chip, you can take it to your local animal haven and they will take care of the puppy until it rightful owner comes along and inquires about a lost puppy, or you could put up flyers around the area which you found it in.

hope that this helped

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13y ago

Put up signs like "Found Dog" with a picture or ask your neighbors if they know anyone who's dog it might be

If you find a missing dog you should always contact your local animal shelter befor you try to handle it. If the dog is a calm and social it means its someones pet. you should still contact your local animal shelter after you are able to make sure its safe an away from roadways an construction area. See if there are any tages on the animal if you dont see any you might want to see if its been chipped. Most new dogs are chipped these day with id tags that have a battery life of 25 years plus. Feel free to put up signs but with out any information it would be really hard to know weather the person that came is really the owner. I would recommend haveing ppl who contact to bring proof of ownership or pics of them an the pet.

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11y ago

Try looking for it. Phone up local vets and rescue centres. Put up lost dog posters. If it is microchipped then let the microchip company know that your dog is lost

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17y ago don't look for it because its not lost

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13y ago

Take pictures of it and put flyer's up. Wait for someone to claim it. Nobody claims it take it to the pound when you had enough.

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