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you have to walk to the horses trough and it will pop up saying feed or something like that. this is the PC version not DS or anything else

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12y ago

You have to sneak into the horses stable and feed them. Or ask the most kind person there to feed them.

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11y ago

well it's just like feeding a horse but just a bit different.

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Q: How do you feed the horse in i love horses riding academy?
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How do you feed your horse on riding academy PC game?

There's a fenced area outside the barn. Click on the gate to open the menu for water and hay.

Should you give a horse oats before riding?

If you re doing work with the horse that requires him to use alot of energy for a large amount of time then yes maybe. It depends though on the weight of your horse already and what you horses temperment is like. Always remember if you are going to feed before riding, feed at least an hour before.

What does feed do for horses?

It is the horse's food.

How do you go riding with your horse on howrse?

Well on you horses page where you feed it and stuff it has a tab right under training. So it says rides then you choose your ride

What can you do at horse ranch?

ride horses and feed them

When riding a horse a night what should you take?

A flash light, horse feed, helmet, and horse tack.

How do you feed a working horse?

put some horse food into a bucket after the horses work has finished the best food to feed working horses is baileys golden chaff mixed with some speedy beat and baileys horse and pony cubes which is being made for working horses. and put anything else you need in your horses feed.

Should you feed your horse straight after riding it?

In real life, feeding a horse directly after riding can result in colic. Since colic is a very serious disorder that can result in death, feeding right after riding is not recommended. Neither is giving too much water after riding.

Is flax seed horse food?

It can be feed to horses and it is good for them.

Do you mix bran mash with the horses feed?

it depends on the horse

What does an horse mainly eat?

Horses mainly eat forage foods, such as hay, haylage or grass. Horses doing heavy work, elderly, sick horses or injured horses may need to be fed horse feed(eg.oats, sugar beet, pony nuts etc..) to help gain and keep condition. Amounts that should be fed vary depending on the size, weight and workload of the horse. Always consult a vet or the back of the bag of feed to find out how much to feed your horse. When buying a new horse, you should also check what feed the horses owner has been feeding him and use that feed, gradually switching to a different feed if you so wish.

What makes horses happy?

you can feed her horse you take good care of it.