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You can try a special brush (called a furminator) which takes out the bottom layer of hair (where a dog sheds from) but be careful to not overuse it, as it will pull the dogs hair if everything that was loose has already been removed. I know at the groomers (my fiance is one) they use a special type of condition and put it on the dog while dry, and it loosens the undercoat. Then they use a high powered dryer to blow the loose undercoat away.

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Q: How do you deshed a rough coat collie?
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What is the same about the collie and a smooth coated border collie?

There isn't really a smooth-coated border collie. The border collie is a different breed, but the rough collie, with a long double coat, and the smooth collie, with a shorter coat, are pretty closely related. The rough collie and the smooth collie both originated for herding purposes in the British Isles. They have the same general shape, size, and colorations. The only big difference is the coat type.

What is a rough collie also known as?

The Rough Collie is also known as the Long-Haired Collie. It is a type of dog that has a long coat. It is a medium to large sized dog. They were commonly used for herding in Scotland.

What is the difference between a rough collie and a collie?

A rough Collie is a type of Collie.

What collie was lassie?

Lassie was a rough-coated standard collie The one on TV was a rough coated sable collie, the one in the Lassie Come Home book is described as a tri color collie, but pictured as a sable. There are several color varieties of collies as well as some with a smooth or short coat.

Which type of Collie was Lassie?

Rough Collie

How strong is a rough collie?

A rough collie is twice as strong as a 10 year old

Are there any famous books with a collie in it?

Well, there is 'Lassie' which is about a Rough Collie. Is that a book?

What breed of dog was lessie?

Lassie, the famous fictional collie dog, was a rough collie breed.

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As far as we know our dog is a collie but she is smaller than most female collies and she looks like a rough collie but her hair isn't quite as long?

she is probably a mix with rough collie and sheltie

Is there a type of collie called a fell collie?

Hi, not that i know of. There are 5 types of collie which are: Rough Collie Bearded Collie Border Collie Smooth Collie Shetland collie. these help more :

Were do rough collies come from?

The Rough Collie originated from the Scottish Highlands.