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Speaking from personal experience, accepting the loss is the first step to being able to cope. It's one thing to understand an animal has passed, but it's necessary to move on from here. I recall feeling much better when I put out a picture of my dog and thought of all the great memories we made together. Pet ownership is a priceless gift, and when take from us is often very painful.

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Q: How do you cope when you learn that you have to put your dog down?
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Just put him/her in the bed with you,if the dog wants to get down just keep your door shut and he/she will learn to sleep with you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ Animal cruelty, give it a nice rimjob

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no you should never put a dog down. its a horrible thing that I can't stress enough. train it or give it to someone who can but don't put it down.

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It would be best to put the dog down. If you let the dog die you would have to be the dog in so much pain. You would be helping the dog if you put it down and you put the dog out of its misery.

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Dave, because he was getting old he was put down.

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Would a guard dog be put down if it attacked someone?

A guard dog may or may not be put down if it attacked someone. It depends on the situation. Without knowing more details it is impossible to make a decision. If the guard dog attacked a burglar it would not be put down. If the guard dog attacked a pedestrian walking by who posed absolutely no danger, the dog would probably be put down. The context and situation determines the outcome.

Your staffordshire terrier attacked another dog will he get put down?

yes but only if you live in Ontario where the ban is or if the owners of the other dog that yours has attacked and the owners wish for your dog to be put down then yes.

About rabid dogs?

were probably bitten by an animal that had rabies, and usually needs to be put down. if the dog already but someone, the dog will defiantly have to be put down, and the person will have to get a shot.

What can happen to an owner of a dog if bites someone?

They can sewed and be forced to put the dog down.

Is house training your dog hard to do?

It can be it depends wether your dog is interested in learning but if you put lots of effort in to it they should learn

Should I put my dog down for difficulty breathing?

Aww if the dog is suffering i think it would be best for the dog i no how you feel my dog had trouble breathing and we put him down at the age of 3 :'( i do miss him but atleast we no hes in a beter place x