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You can usually ask your dog groomer to do it for you, but you can also do it yourself with scissors or nail clippers. Just be careful you don't hurt him/her, and that when they fidget that you don't cut them instead of their nails!

I hope this helped...xx

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9y ago

Most people clip their Bedlington Terrier's coat with scissors. A professional groomer will be able to do a better job with clippers.

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Q: How do you clip a Bedlington Terrier's coat?
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Related questions

When was Bedlington Terriers F.C. created?

Bedlington Terriers F.C. was created in 1949.

How heavy are Bedlington Terriers?

Bedlington Terriers weigh from 8 - 10 kg.

How much do Bedlington Terriers weigh?

Both male and female Bedlington Terriers should weigh between 17 - 23 pounds.

How often should a Bedlington Terrier be clipped?

A Bedlington Terrier's coat will need to be clipped about once a week.

Can a purebred Bedlington Terrier have a blue coat?

That only occurs when theres a disability

Does the bedlington terrier look like a lamb?

Show-trimmed Bedlington Terriers look like lambs. However, Bedlingtons from working lines look more like Irish Wolfhounds (except for the size).

What is the coat colour of a Bedlington Terrier?

There is not one particular coat color. Colors I have seen include gray, black, buff.

Do Boston terriers have fur or hair?

Boston terriers are described to have a fur coat.

Should you feed a Bedlington Terrier chocolate?

No, chocolate is extremely poisonous to Bedlington Terriers and can cause death. This also applies to all other breeds.Never feed your dog chocolate. If your dog ate chocolate, consult a veterinarian immediately.

What genetic defects is the Bedlington Terrier prone to?

the white bull terriers are very prone to being born with things like blindness, skin problems and deafness.

Is it better to strip an airedale coat or clip it?

It is better for the sake of the dog's coat to strip it. However it is much more time effective to clip the coat.

What dog breed looks like a lamb?

Hey, I would say that the dog breed that looks most like a lamb would be the Bedlington Terrier. But there are many others, like Poodles, Labradoodles, Bichon Frise, maybe even a fluffy white Border Collie (the best type of dogs, I have one!)! Hope I have helped! JJ x