Bring your bunny to a vet.To make him feel healthy give the bunny some apples,letuce,Cherios and carrots. You can really all fruits and vegtibles ,but ask the vet if you bunny is all right to eat all this food. Make sure you ask the vet if you can have medicen
Mamma Rabbit
yes why not..every mother do it.
Feed it, love it, and pet it
If you find a wild cottontail rabbit baby in your yard, it's best to leave it alone. The mother rabbit is likely nearby and will return to care for it. Keep pets and children away to give the baby rabbit the best chance of survival. If the baby rabbit appears injured or in danger, contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center for guidance.
If you do it's Mama won't take care of it anymore.
Take him to the vet, please.
If a rat bites a pet rabbit, it can cause injury, pain, and potential infection. It is important to thoroughly clean and assess the wound, and seek veterinary care if needed to prevent any complications. It is also important to address the potential rodent infestation to prevent future incidents.
Caring for a wild baby rabbit requires keeping it warm, feeding it a proper diet, and avoiding handling it too much. Contact a wildlife rehabilitator for help if needed.
u love them et them as much as possible feed them like u wood a rabbit
Information on rabbit care can be found on any pet website. You can also go to a pet store and ask questions about rabbit care. Rabbits are easy going and not hard to take care of.
nope that rumor is totally false. she probably wont even notice but sometimes if the baby is new born and a human touches it, the smell rubs off and the mother rabbit kills it thinking its not hers. when the mother rabbit gets used to her baby and officially knows it's her's, she doesn't care.
take it to the vet See the related link below for details about how to care for domestic baby bunnies and their mom.