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"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" goes the infamous phrase. Click the eyes on the first monkey, the ears on the second and the mouth on the third.

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Q: How do you beat clickplay rainbow 2 see no evil?
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How do you beat the bomb level in clickplay?

ok, so do you see numbers on them? click the numbers in order starting at 1, then you'll find the play button. :) hope i helped

Where does red go after you beat him at mtsilver?

To the rainbow with all the other colors!Seriously you don't see him again.NEVER!

How do you beat the Balloon Boy?

Balloon boy just flys off over the rainbow. He doesn't come back. You don't beat him. You see him on Reality TV Island on a TV in the TV Store.

What is the difference from an acoustic guitar and a bass guitar?

You see, acoustic guitars can make magical rainbow forces that can fight evil! Bass guitars? They don't do anything.

Do everyone see the same rainbow?

No, different people may see slightly different rainbows depending on their viewing angle and distance from the rainbow. Each person's perspective will affect the portion of the rainbow they are able to see.

What do you have to do after you beat the 7th gym in Pokemon soul silver?

in mahogany town beat team rocket then go to goldenrod city and beat team rocket there too then you get the silver feather or if heart gold you get the rainbow feather see i know this because i beat the game already

Why and how do you see a rainbow?

You see a rainbow because you want to, and you do because you feel like it.

Will you ever find the end of the rainbow?

No, as you move the rainbow you see moves too. No, because the bit of the rainbow you see is part of a circle and circles have no end. However, you can direct someone else to the place where YOU see the end of your rainbow (but THEY will not see it when they get there).

What are the of the colors of the rainbow?

There is no color your eye can see that is not in the rainbow.

What are not the colors of the rainbow?

There is no color your eye can see that is not in the rainbow.

Is a rainbow a source of light?

No. In order to see a rainbow in front of you, there must be a source of light behind you, and the rainbow you see will only have the colors of the source in it.

What angle do you have to be at to see a rainbow?

One doesn't have to be at any specific angle to see a rainbow. What is Dependent on seeing the rainbow is the location of the rain, and sun relative to you. The sun is always behind a rainbow when seen. So you would be in front of the rainbow, rain, and the sun. Also, No two people see the same rainbow unless a picture or video was taken of the rainbow.