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The best option is to place the trap so that it is only accessible via one entrance. Place lumps of wood on three sides leaving the "bad" end accessible. Don't leave any room for a mouse to get around the sides. Bait the trap with peanut butter - sticks to the trap arm, and mice love it.






Best I could do with text I'm afraid, but should give an idea.

This should almost guarantee a catch. The main problem is that people place the trap in open ground, so the mouse can approach it from any angle, not the "kill zone". So it usually sets the trap off without the desired effect.

Try it - you won't be disappointed!!

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Badgers life in sets, so if you make sure that you have lots of piles of leaves, they like dog food so you can put some out. but be careful not to put too much out as that might attract unwanted mammals like rats and mice.

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Q: How do you bait a mouse trap so that it catches them?
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How can you trap a mouse?

Purchase a mouse trap and bait it with a little peanut butter (not cheese).Mouse traps come in two forms:-Lethal - the mouse is snapped with a spring wire that kills it as it takes the bait.Non Lethal - the mouse is retained in a chamber as it takes the bait. You then have to release the mouse somewhere well away form where you trapped it (or it will be back). These traps also get very messy with mouse urine and feces. It is also important that you do not leave the mouse in the trap for more than an hour or so, or you could be charged with cruelty.

How do you trap a mouse without using a trap?

there is an old Russian Proverb......"The bear that sets the trap , cannot be caught".....what this means is that as long as your setting the trap on them there not setting one on watch your mouse doesnt catch you nvr know....

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i think so

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Well the object of the game is to trap the mouse so if the mouse keeps following where you are about to go, put the pillar in the middle of the trap. That way it distracts the mouse so he doesn't get in your way. Hope this helps. :)

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so the wheels will stay on straight

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The Critter Guy here in Canada provides food in a big trap so skunks will be attracted to the food's smell.

Where can you buy mousetraps?

You can buy the ISS (It's So Simple) mouse trap online from the 4 Dot Ranch, the inventor and manufacturer, in Belgrade, Montana Http:// or from Amazon (do a search for iss mouse trap).

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Peter has transformed into Scabbers by this time, so build a mouse trap by blasting the items in the room that he runs to to hide. Eventually you will have enough items to levitate into a mouse trap.

What color of food do fish like to eat the most and why?

Fish like bright colored bait, that is usually shimmering (is sparkly or a shiny color like silver) because it catches their attention. So, whether you are using real fish for bait or plastic/ fake bait, look for those 2 things!

Catch wild mice?

You can catch wild mice in a number of ways. The best way is to buy a humane mouse trap, which catches mice without hurting or killing them. This means people can get them out of houses without having to deal with dead mice. They are also really good for catching lost pet mice. You can also make a humane mouse trap, with a large plastic bottle (Coke bottles, Soda Water bottles and other such things work fine.) Cut the top off and then turn it back on itself, then put in some food. Mice go in and can't get back out again. You can also buy a plain old mouse trap, but these are very inhumane as they kill they mice, or trap them so they have to endure a slow death. Mouse poison is also quite inhumane, and can also put other animals at risk if they eat the mouse that has consumed the poison.

How mouse trap the game works?

Use the pillars to trap the mouse. Don't click too fast or it will freak the game out!this is a hard game but you just have to think like a cat that would trap mouse so think hard and very hard oh yah have fun your friendmiles Austin i play for the cowboys and ive beatin this game fifhty times

Can mice lift a trap and pull it?

well it depends on the size of the mouse so they possibly could no one knows.