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The body parts of a Saber-toothed Tiger that were impressive was the massive muscles in their body. Another body part of the Sabor-toothed tiger that make the animal impressive were the bone shattering canine teeth.

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Q: How do the saber-toothed tiger anatomy?
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The real scientific name for sabertoothed tigers of all ages was smilodon.

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Anatomy of a Tiger Bite - 2004 TV was released on: USA: 7 July 2004

How much does a saber-toothed tiger wiegh?

There were many kinds of sabertoothed cats, and they varied in size from that of a large house cat to that of a tiger or lion, and some were even bigger. The classic saber toothed "tiger" is called Smilodon and the South American species could weigh up to 500 kgs!

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sabertoothed tigers.

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Tigers are large cats, and have very similar anatomy and physiology to the domestic house cat.

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Apes evolved from a common ancestor with Old World monkeys around 25 million years ago. There isn't a direct evolutionary link between modern cats and the Sabre-toothed tiger; the Sabre-toothed tiger, also known as Smilodon, was a prehistoric cat that went extinct around 10,000 years ago.

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A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

Where is the creature in ice planet on poptropica?

Climb to the top of the ice mountain and talk to the knight. Watch out- the sabertoothed helicopter is there!

What actors and actresses appeared in The Anatomy of a Frog - 2007?

The cast of The Anatomy of a Frog - 2007 includes: Jon Boatwright as Mr. Kated Tiger Darrow as Samantha Mask Peyton Hayslip as Mrs. Mask Ben Taylor as Mr. Mask Kelsi Weatherby as Destiny

What is the biggest prehistoric cat?

There were three recognized species of Smilodon, or sabertoothed cat. The largest was Smilodon Populator, at over 800 pounds, the largest cat that ever lived.

What movie and television projects has Jim Sharits been in?

Jim Sharits has: Played Host in "Anatomy of a Shark Bite" in 2003. Played Tech Team Leader in "More Than Human" in 2003. Played Himself - Project Manager in "Cheating Death" in 2004. Played Host in "Anatomy of a Bear Bite" in 2004. Played Host in "Anatomy of a Tiger Bite" in 2004. Played himself in "Sharkzilla" in 2012.