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What a strange Question ! On two occassions a whale has charged our submarine,,, we had a big bang but the whales would have had very sore heads. We think they presume we are a rogue male trying to steal there mate, but we will probably never find out.

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Q: How do submarines and whales get along?
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What major difference have scientists discovered between today's whales and fossils of whales ancient ancestors?

Bones of whale ancestors showed that whales had hip bones along with legs and hind feet.

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The Blue whale is endangered along with three other kinds.

Why is water a good medium for communication between dolphins?

Sound waves travel very well in water. Warships, including submarines, use passive sonar to listen for enemy ships and submarines. Passive sonar employes underwater hydrophones to listen for sounds. They can detect sounds of ships and submarines miles away. Marine mamals such as whales and dolphins detect sound in much the same way.

Were submarines from World War 2 smaller than today's submarines?

They were much smaller in World War II. Even the crews quarters where cramped. The air exchange and diesel fumes, along with the batteries, made it dangerous and rough.

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They both have blow holes and also they breach. they don't get along with each other

What is a dolphins order?

Dolphins belong to the Cetacea order along with other whales and porpoises.