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they swim deeply and far away.

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Q: How do seals swim away from its predator?
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How does a furseal defend itself against prediators?

Fur seals swim from their enemies. They use the flight or fight reflex. If they can't fight their predator, they swim away.

What is a fish's structure for defense?

to eat or swim away from the predator

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Ink their predator then swim away

What does a polar bear mostly eat?

they normally eat seals but in the summer the ice melts and the seals swim away and they eat seals only if they can catch them

Are seals top predator?

seals are Not top predator. not even sharks are top predator. i think the goldfish i top predators (=

Is a fur seal a predator?

Yes. Orcas(Killer Whales) and Leopard Seals are Fur Seals predator.

Why seal streamlined body shape?

It is to swim faster when it is catching their prey and running away from its predator. Its streamlined body shape helps it to swim faster.

Are seals predator?

seals are Not top predator. not even sharks are top predator. i think the goldfish i top predators (=

Why does seals have a streamlined body shape?

It is to help reduce water resistance and friction between the water and the seal,allowing it to swim faster to escape from its predator or to catch its prey.

Why does some squids squirt ink when frightened?

The Ink is so that the predator wont see where they tried to swim away

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