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They don't breathe under water, certainly not like fish do. When they dive they hold their breath, just like whales and dolphins do when they dive. They close their nostrils as they dive to prevent water from coming into their lungs, just as whales/dolphins close their blow-holes before they dive or submerge themselves in the water.

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6y ago

Apart from the ability to close their nostrils, seals hold their breath pretty much like you and I - simply by not breathing.

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Q: How do sea lions breathe under water?
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Can sea otters breathe under water?

Otters can't breathe under water. They're mammals, they breathe air, with lungs. When they dive, they hold their breath.

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Depends, if the shark is lying dead on the beach, if a very hungry lion passes by, it may. But if you were to put a lion in the sea, of course a shark will eat it, if lions can breathe and swim under water, a shark will still eat the lion.

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No mammals can breathe underwater. All mammals, including sea mammals, must breathe above the surface of the water. This is why marine mammals such as dolphins and whales frequently come to the surface.

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As far as I am aware, there is no sea creature that needs to be physically on land to breathe, but there are a number of sea creatures that can breathe air, either exclusively or in tandem with breathing in water. All sea mammals and reptiles (such a whales, dolphins, porpoises, walruses, seals, sea lions, crocodiles, turtles, sea snakes, etc.) can only breath air, so they must surface. There are a number of fishes, like lungfishes and mudskippers than can both breathe in water and in air.

How are land ainmals and sea animals different?

see land animals have to breathe on land...of course,and sea creatures have Gils which are used to breathe under water but their are some land and sea animals such as frogs or aquatic turtles

How do sea lions breathe air?

Sea lions are mammals, just like otters, dolphins and whales. They breathe air through lungs while at the surface, then hold their breath as they dive. If they wouldn't be able to get back to the surface soon enough, they will drown.

What do sea lions eat when they dive deep into the water?

sea lions eat krill, penguins.

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