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they are pretty light so they flout they just move there limbs to go in a certain direction

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Q: How do rats swim?
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Do rats drown?

definetely rats can swim how else could they leave a sinking ship

Why do water rats have webbed feet?

to swim

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What are the release dates for Lab Rats - 2012 Sink or Swim 3-1?

Lab Rats - 2012 Sink or Swim 3-1 was released on: USA: 17 February 2014

Can rats swim in chlorine pools?

Yes, rats can swim in chlorine pools, but it's not recommended due to health risks associated with exposure to chlorine and other pool chemicals. Additionally, rats can impact water quality and hygiene in the pool.

Do rats hate dandylions?

Rats have very small brains so they don't hate or like anything. They will eat anything, swim underwater, and survive under many circumstances.

Can rats live under water?

Rats are not adapted to living underwater as they are terrestrial animals. They can swim for short distances but cannot survive underwater for an extended period of time. Their bodies are not built for underwater living like aquatic animals.

Can a rat swim under water for 3 days?

No, rats cannot swim underwater for 3 days. Rats are mammals and need to come to the surface to breathe air. They are capable swimmers but cannot hold their breath for such an extended period of time.

I live in a third floor apartment and I hear something moving in the walls do rats climb up to the third floor or do they mainly stay in the basement?

norvigien rats can swim very well while regular tree rats climb very well. both can end up in the walls of a 3rd floor apartment

Do you give bath to white rats?

In the wild, rats are used to being around water, and even enjoy swimming sometimes. Domesticated rats are hit or miss. Some love to scoot right into the tub and swim around in circles, and others will rip your arm to shreds I Hope I Helped <3! u can check out my board

What are Facts about Rats?

1. Rats ( like mice ) are color blind. 2. Rats can swim well. 3. A group of rats can be called a mischief, horde, pack, or swarm. 4. Rats can eat chocolate ( not too much ) :) 5. Some kinds of rats can eat slugs :P 6. Rats have no thumbs. 7. Rats have excellent memory. 8. They spend many hours during the day grooming themselves. 9. Rats use there tails to regulate their temperature. 10. A rats life span is about 2-5 years. WAthey are great pets, they are not gross, smart, love to look around your house and see new things. like to play hide and seek. good luck with them trying to find you the dont like to be it they like to hide and you find them.

What is the climax of Three Skeleton Key?

The rats enter the lighthouse and force the three survivors to the very top. A rescue ship comes after the lighthouse light is not lit and save two out of the three survivors by tricking the rats onto a ship with a rigged bomb. The climax is when you can see the problem being solved. This is when the barge comes with the meat. The rats swim to eat the meat. Resolution / Conclusion = rats dead / men "safe" when the barge is set ablaze. This is exactly right=) GOOD JOB!