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How porcupines get food will depend on the type of porcupine. The porcupine found in North America finds food by climbing trees. The African porcupine does not climb trees, instead he searches the ground for food.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Porcupine's can get their water from many place's such as rivers, lake, and maybe even come to a fountain of water and it's possibile because we are cuting their homes and suppleis so they come to the city to look fow water,shelter,food.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Porcupines do not survive without water. They must live in a place where there is water or else they will die of thirst.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

they sniff for it with there butt =)-

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βˆ™ 15y ago

They drink it, like all other mammals.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

they need enuogh to live

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How do porcupines find food with there sent?

with there noses

Do porcupines sleep during the day or night?

Porcupines are mostly nocturnal, but they will at times forage for food during the day. Link is below

Can porcupines eat poison food?

Yes then they die

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Prehensile-tailed porcupines live in most treetops and only go to the ground to find food or go to a different tree

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How you protect yourself from porcupines?

how to protect yourself is don't leave food out and don't have that many trees.

Do porcupines live in trees?

No, porcupines are terrestrial animals that do not live in trees. They are mainly ground-dwelling creatures that seek refuge in burrows, caves, or thick vegetation. However, they are adept climbers and may climb trees to seek food or escape predators.

What is the plural possessive for porcupines?


Were porcupines introduced to Australia?

There are no porcupines in Australia, nor have there ever been porcupines in Australia.

What is the plural noun for porcupines?

"Porcupines" is already a plural noun. The singular form is porcupine. A group of porcupines is commonly referred to as a "prickle" of porcupines.

What is the porcupine's competition?

Other porcupines in order to live. This competition caused by overpopulation, causes the population to decrease which as the result kills the porcupines. The porcupine competes with other porcupines for for food, water, and other limiting factors.

What other organisms compete with the moose for food?

Elk, deer, porcupines, beavers, and other herbivorous animals.