They have to eat , right?... No they Don't just have to eat.
Resting and sleeping and eating
moving molecules
Polar bears eat mainly seals, and they derive energy from the food that they eat, as all animals do.
A physical barrier is affecting polar bears. The decrease in polar ice means that there are less seals. Therefore, the bears have to search further and expend more energy in their hunt for food.
Polar bears are at the very top of the pyramid. They are an apex predator.
polar bears need to live, so they have to get energy from other animals.
If polar bears didn't have claws they would be vulnerable to attack from other animals because Polar bears can use their claws to defend themselves. Polar bears can also hunt and find food using their claws therefore Polar bears need their claws to survive!.
use it for food needs
Polar bears use their teeth, claws and strength in their paws and jaws.
Polar Bears in fact need sunlight to keep warm although they have 2 layers of skin
yes they do eat,Polar bears feed mainly on ringed and bearded seals. Depending upon their location, they also eat harp and hooded seals and scavenge on carcasses of beluga whales, walruses, narwhals, and bowhead whales.polar bears like all living things need to get energy, animals get it from plants (or other animals that eat plants). plants create energy from the sun and store it. which is then converted into ATP which the cells in animals (such as polar bears) use to create the energy that allows them to live.
polar bears reproduce sexually which mostly uses egg and sperm equals a baby