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Q: How do polar bears use ice to hunt?
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How is a rising sea level affecting the polar bear?

Polar bears aren't much troubled by the rising sea levels, as they aren't particularly interested in what goes on at the coastline anyhow. The big problem for the polar bears is the temperature. The warmer it gets, the longer it takes for the ice to form. and polar bears use the ice sheet to hunt for seals from.

Would polar bears survive in open sea?

Unlike dolphins, polar bears cannot swim forever. They have to come to the land eventually. Also, they use floating pieces of ice as a base from which to hunt seals. It is harder for them to hunt in the open sea. So no, polar bears would not survive in the open sea, at least, not in the long term.

Why polar bears are get worried of globalwarming?

Their life style is directly connected to sea ice. They spend most of their life on sea ice and use it to hunt. Global warming is melting sea ice and causing all sorts of changes in the Polar bears behavior. Some bears are living farther north, and others are living on solid land longer. The bears which are living on land longer, are forced to fast as they only hunt on sea ice, and die more often.

Why is sea ice important to polar bears?

Sea ice is critical to the polar bear because these bears hunt from this ice. As the north warms in spring, the bears wait for the ice to begin to break up as they begin to venture out on it. There on the ice they will try to take seals, walrus, or anything else they might catch. Even the mothers take their cubs out on this ice as seals use it to den and can be hunted from the frozen platform.

Why do you need aware of polar bears?

Polar bears need floating ice to use as platforms from which to hunt for seals, and as a result, global warming affects them more directly than many other species. They are a kind of early warning system for global warming.

What would happen to polar bears if they didn't have claws?

If polar bears didn't have claws they would be vulnerable to attack from other animals because Polar bears can use their claws to defend themselves. Polar bears can also hunt and find food using their claws therefore Polar bears need their claws to survive!.

What does a polar bear rely on to catch food?

The Arctic sea ice, where it can hunt seals during the winter. Polar bears use their acute sense of smell to locate the prey, then stalk silently and positions itself for the attack. The prey is dispatched by the bears teeth, or by a heavy blow from its powerful fore limbs.

Does a polar bear use camouflauge?

Yes, polar bears use camouflauge, because they live in the snowy and icy white north pole and their fur are white. They use it to hunt sometimes or to attack another polar bear.

How are polar bears suffering?

Temperatures in the Arctic are rising at almost twice the rate of the rest of the world, and this is causing the early break-up of sea ice. Polar bears are dependent on the ice for their survival, which they use as a hunting platform, to secure mates and to travel.

Why do walruses live in cold areas?

polar bears live in cold places because where they lived use to be hot than we had an ice age then it turned into the ice caps and the bears adapted

How do polar bears use berries and leaves?

Not much. Contrary from all the other bear species, the polar bear is almost entirely carnivorous. Mostly out of necessity, not much grows in the high arctic and nothing grows on the polar ice cap, which is where the polar bears live.

How are polar bears and brown bears different?

The diet depends on the habitat e.g. the polar bear will hunt and consume animals below it in the polar habitat e.g. seals, whereas the brown bear which resides in woodland habitats would feed on woodland creatures e.g. foxes.