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The average Polar Bear will clean themselves while eating several times, before the kill is consumed. Normally the skin, and blubber is eaten first, and often the Polar Bear will stop, to clean up, using snow, or water, if any is close by. Then they will continue to finish the meat. They will clean again, when they are done, using water, again if nearby. But, if none is close, they will use snow, often they will rub their face, neck, and chest in the snow, and even just completely rolling in it. Like taking a bath. For more details please see site below.

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Q: How do polar bears get clean?
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Do polar bears like to lay down in the snow?

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actually polar bears are not white they are yellow but look white because of the reflection of the ice, polar bears stay clean because they go in the water which cleans them off, and they might also be like a cat and lick themselves clean...not really sure on that one

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POLAR BEARS Polar bears actually grow pretty fast.

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Do you have polar bears?

Polar bears are animals of Arctic regions. The only polar bears here are in the NC Zoo.